Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dating Applications Should Be Required

What if we treated dating like we do a job or an interview. Companies pre-screen applicants before deciding to give them an interview. Why don't we pre-screen guys more before deciding to give them our hearts? For example:

  1. Applicants fill out applications (ask potential date questions).
  2. Applicant gets an interview (go out on date to learn even more).
  3. Interviewer takes notes (evaluates all information & decide if you want to continue dating).
  4. Interviewer does a background check (background check could be asking friends/relatives/or official criminal background check)
Below is a dating application I ran across on Black Femme Fatale's blog. Loved it and thought I would share it with you.

In compliance with applicable laws, this woman typically does not discriminate because of age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, veteran status or disability. But because I am a woman, I can do whatever the hell I wanna do.

Instructions: Please print. Be sure to answer all questions. If a question does not apply to you, answer with “no” or “not applicable”. Do not substitute any bullshit for the information requested. Please attach 3 references. Do not use family members, homeboys or cut buddies that you claim you are just friends with. We would prefer if you use past girlfriends, coworkers, or someone that really does not give a flip about this one way or the other and will not lie for you.

Note: I do offer the opportunity for advancement. Upon outstanding behavior, you may be promoted to boyfriend, fiancé, or even husband if you are lucky.
Last name First Middle
Social Security Number
Present Address (please attach a current bill for verification. Photocopies not accepted)
How long?
City State Zip
Yes No
Telephone Number and area code
Home ( ) Work ( )
Person to notify in case I have to cut you
Name Phone ( )
Position Desired
Hours available
Gainfully employed?
Yes No
If yes, where?
If no, Kick Rocks and your application will be permanently destroyed.
Adequate transportation?
Yes No
If no, Kick Rocks and your application will be permanently destroyed.
Currently holding another position as Winter Boo?
Yes No
If yes, Kick Rocks and your application will be permanently destroyed.

Have been properly screened for STD’s?
Yes No
Dates and what medical facility? Also, please provide proof.

Ever engaged in any intimate activity with a male that should be strictly between a male and female?
Yes No
If yes, Kick Rocks and your application will be permanently destroyed.

Yes No
If yes, Kick Rocks and your application will be permanently destroyed. Just so you know, your wife will be contacted at the phone number or address you have listed above. Sorry bastard!!

Baby Mama Drama?
Yes No
If yes, please explain

Bad Credit?
Yes No
If yes, please explain

Have you ever been convicted
of a felony?
Yes No
If yes, please explain (anything other than possession of marijuana or 1 DUI, Kick Rocks and your application will be permanently destroyed.)

Have you ever been terminated from or
asked to resign from a previous Winter Boo position?
Yes No
If yes, Please explain

Check anything that applies God fearing Respectable Believes chivalry is dead
can handle minor housekeeping duties phone rings all time of night
lies uncontrollably effective listener goal oriented handsome nice dresser
can pick up the tab without having to file bankruptcy don’t have a girlfriend
good with my hands trustworthy kind loving
willing to slide a sister some change to help her out if need be

Name and location
of institution
Did you
If you graduated, what was your
Degree and major
High school
and/or G.E.D.

Yes No


Yes No


Yes No


Yes No

Other institutions

Yes No

Use this space to list any reasons why you, above all others, should be selected as Winter Boo.
I certify that the information contained in this application is correct and understand that falsification of this information is grounds for dismissal. I authorize this woman to conduct an investigation of my background for the purpose of confirming the information contained on my application and/or obtaining other information which may be material to my qualifications for Winter Boo. I authorize any individuals or entities contacted during this investigation to give you any and all pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release all parties from any and all liabilities, claims or law suits in regard to the information obtained.
I certify that I have read, understand and agree with the above.
Applicant’s Signature Date

CONFESSION #10 - Just because I don't acknowledge I know you're lying about something; doesn't mean you have me fooled.


Kay said...

LOL. Oh my goodness. I know several guys I should have had fill out an application.

Sweet Tea said...

hahaha! I like it! Boy I wish I had this a year ago when I met my current headache!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So it does exist! LOL @ Sweat Tea " ... my current headache"

Shelia said...

Sweet Tea, some guys would lie on the application and hope you don't do follow up questions. LOL

Mr.Tramuel--shh. I wasn't supposed to let you in on the secret. LOL

Deborah said...

An application is a good idea Sheila but yes they will lie. Many are experts at it.

Shelia said...

Deborah, a lie wasn't nothing for one of my exes to tell. Look up the word liar and his photo will be right there next to the word.

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